Wednesday, October 31, 2012

students college planning guide in the 9th grade

student college planning guide
in the 9th  grade
. take the most difficult class  can handle
. take interest and skills  assessments to help  you explore careers that interest you
.develop good study  habits
.practice setting and reaching  goals
.volunteer in your community
participate in extra curricular activion

1.       Make a  commitment to tell the truth
2.        Tell someone about  your commitment
3.       Think before you  give  a dishonest  answer explanation or reason
4.       Be careful of when  and  how you use  exaggeration sarcasm or irony.
5.       Be careful not  to twist the truth or leave out  part of it.
6.       Don’t  indulge  in little  white  lies  or cover –ups
7.       Watch out  for  silent lies
8.       When  you catch  yourself  lying  throw  your  mouth into  reverse .
9.       Talk  to yourself

Monday, October 29, 2012

Acquiring the habits of highly successful students part12

Acquiring   the habits of   highly   successful students
 What is important  to you is that you  as  you  start  to reach milestone  in your ambitions  you  appreciate  your own  achievements  it  is    a boost  of course  if   others  appreciate  what  you have  done  too but  appreciating  yourself  will  strengthen  your  self – belief and  reinforce   your  determination  to succeed  some  of  the key  characteristics  you will  find  in those  who are successful  are  perseverance  prepared  to   research  plan  and work  hard  practice a lot  even  when  things  do not   seem    to be  going  well  and    an  ability  to recover  and learn  from  setbacks . at the  outset  of  whatever  it is you  are trying  to  succeed  in  a  strong  vision  of your  future planning  and setting   yourself  achievable   targets can  all play an important  role .
Choose the right

Friday, October 26, 2012

Acquiring the Habits of Highly Successful Students

Part 11
Whether studying or in general life, planning is an imperative skill, Here, we must strictly set the hours studying, and should promote regularity in doing so. Don’t pay off your studies to the last moment (just before the test), because in that moment you will be feeling stress and pressure, and both factors will prove disturbing for your learning; that’s the high price of procrastination. During the exam, it’s important to forget about panic and stress. And if you are planning for your thesis, you may find this post useful. Other planning tip I frequently give is that, when you are assigned a homework, try to solve it as quickly as possible.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Acquiring the Habits of Highly Successful Students

Part 10
They prefer tasks with some degree of difficulty and novelty, which stimulate their learning skills.
They don’t apply the simple criteria of successful to their learning. Remember, they are focused into learning process.
They know how to handle groups.
Finally, they work with passion.
Other chief habit is that of asking questions. We have to establish hypothesis and self-concrete, realistic goals. After reading any text we have to ask several different questions related to its content, in order to verify if we have completely understood the text, It’s also important to try to relate such text and other areas of our knowledge. Again, linking ideas and concepts is a habit of highly successful students.
So, link.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Acquiring the Habits of Highly Successful Students Part 9

Acquiring the Habits of Highly Successful Students
Part 9
They concentrate on the process of solving the task and understanding the involved ideas. Of course we are interested in getting good results, but the process I s more important. A result is a very brief moment in life, while learning to develop process is a skill that will last for the whole life.
They interpret and analyze errors as a way of increasing their learning, i.e, they try to learn from their mistakes. This way, they see errors and failures as opportunities.
They look for the required information in several channels (books, journals, newspapers, experts, internet and so on.)
 They consult experts and teachers frequently. This action provides a new perspective about the studied topics. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

acquiring the habits of highly successful students part 4

Acquiring   the habits   of   highly successful l students


The body is related to the breath is related   to   mind .the body  breath senses and mind all function  together  as  a unit .so life  virtually means  relationship  and  thus the  art of living  and  being  requires  an  understanding   of one  relationship   to the  external  world  and the relationship  within oneself . all human  beings have  inner potentials and do not know how to use them to have  a successful  life .those who  are not happy internally can  never make  others  happy . those do not love  themselves can never  love others .  choose the right

Wednesday, October 17, 2012



Friday, October 12, 2012

choose the right

“Regard your good name as the richest jewel you can possibly be possessed of ‘’


One should and must have some pride of their name and who they are. Each and every one of us has been given the right of a name, which tells others who we are, where we come from and what we represent. If one isn’t proud of themselves or their name, how can we expect others to be proud of us?



how successful students prepare for test part2

How successful students prepare for test

Part 2


8: make summary sheets flash cards and practice test

9: always carry some kind of pocket work and make use of wasted spare minutes by reciting                                            

And thinking about what you are learning.

10: learn something new or difficult in you strongest intelligence sense or in your dominant hemisphere. Reinforce it with as many different ways as possible

11: find a study partner or two on each class and routinely take turns teaching other the material

12:  prepare for each class as if there will be a pop quiz. The single most important way to prepare for a test is to students many days in advance.  Study each day to prepare for a test that is coming in a few days or weeks. When you are prepared you will do great on the test and you will be confident.

Choose the right


Thursday, October 11, 2012

How Successful Student Prepare for Test


Are you really doing everything? You can   to prepare for test re-reading the chapter and looking over your notes is notes are not enough. Below is a list of tips for test preparation from successful students

1 Keep up to date with assignments.

2. Take notes in every class every day. This includes asking questions when you don’t understand.

3. Process information as you to it. Learning information is much different than “becoming acquainted” with it.

4. Process information systematically. Label in the margin works well for most people.

5. Adapt it to suit your learning styles. Capitalize on the discipline label in the margin requires and make it habit to process information from texts and lectures, not just go over it.

6. Have a study place that is free of distractions.

7. Have a specific time for initial study of each subject. You may need more than this time, but having a set time will save you time.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

the secrets of successful students

The Secrets of Successful Students
Successful students take charge of their lives and balance their time between fun and work. They know that there is a time for all-nighters, and it’s not during finals week.
                Successful Students Take Care of Themselves
Do you live on junk food and lay on the couch watching TV every night? Students with poor physical habits probably don’t feel very energetic in the mornings, and they probably don’t feel good sitting in class, either.
Good food and little exercise will clear your head!
Students who eat junk in moderation (you really don’t have to cut it out completely) and work out in some way are more likely to participate in sports. That means they have more balance in their lives, feel better in the mornings, and are more alert in class.
You just have to change a few habits to feel better. Eat healthy foods, start walking more, take a yoga class, enroll in martial arts classes, or challenge yourself to do sit ups at night. You’ll notice a change right away.
Thank you Grace Fleming, for your suggestions.
Part 2

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
“Your name is a diamond: make sure it shines”
-Sergio Tovallin
I really enjoy this statement. It makes me want to do things so that people could know my name. The quote “Your name is a diamond: make sure it shines” means that you should do good things, so that when people see your name they know who you are and what you did. This also means that your name will shine to other people and they will know that you chose the right and you will be lucky enough to have a clean name.

Monday, October 8, 2012

the "C" students part 3

The “C” Student

Part 3


6. EFFFOR: “C” Students are capable of sufficient effort, but either fail to realistically evaluate the effort needed to accomplish a task successfully, or lack the desire to meet the challenge. They put forth very little effort. They don’t realize that they will be rewarded according the amount of effort they put into a project. Little effort=bad results.

7. COMMUNICATIONS: “C” students communicate in ways that often limit comprehension or risk misinterpretation. Ideas are not well formulated believe they are expressed. Poor listening/reading habits inhibit matching inquiry and response.

8. RESULTS: “C” students obtain mediocre or inconsistent results on tests. They have some concept of what is going on but clearly have not mastered the material.


Source: The Teaching Professor. Paraphrased from John H. Williams, Clarifying Grade Exceptions. August/September, 1993 and Paul Solomon and Annette Nellon, Communicating About the Behavioral Dimensions of Grades, February, 1996  


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Colleges I would like to attend
1.    USC
2.   North   carolina state university
3.   UCLA
1.1.                  Medicine
1.2.                  Art
1.3.                  Computer tech like mr.haymore

The "C" average student part 2


Part 2 The “C” student

Average student

Curiosity: “C “student seldom explore topics deeper than their face value. They lack  vision and  bypass interconnectedness of  concepts. lmmediate  relevancy  is often their  singular test  for involvement

3Retention: “C” student  retain less information  and for shorter periods. Less  effort seems  to go towards  organizing and  associating learned  information  with previously  acquired  knowledge  they display  short-term –retention  by  relying on cramming sessions that  focus on details, not  concepts.

4.attitude:”C”  students are not  visibly  committed to class. They participate without enthusiasm. Their body language often expresses boredom.

5. TALENT: “C” students vary enormously in talent. Some have exceptional ability but show undeniable signs of poor self-management or bad attitudes. Others are diligent at simply average in academic ability.  


Choose the right

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Benefits of a College Education

Benefits of a College Education
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->Get a good career.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->Get money.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->Get a nice house.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->Get a nice car.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->Have nicer clothes.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->Buy more things.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->Buy what you want.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->Better prepared-kids.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->You’re smarter than what you are now.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->You are more prepared for life.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->Have better healthcare.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->You exercise more.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->College graduates ages 25 to 44 are 14 percent less likely to be obese than high school grads.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->Adults ages 25 to 34 with a college degree are nearly twice as likely to exercise vigorously.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->Smoking among those with a bachelor's degree is 9 percent. High school grads: 27 percent.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->68 percent of college-educated parents read to their kids daily in 2007 - over 20 percent more than high school grads.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->The percentage of people with college degrees who donate their time to community organizations is higher than other groups.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->Higher Earning Potential.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->College parties.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->Lower Blood Pressure and Stress.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->Healthier Lifestyle Choices.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->Employer-Provided Health Care Coverage.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->Job Satisfaction.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->Job Stability.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->*   <!--[endif]-->Future Children Benefits.

The "C" Student an average student part1

The “C” student

An average student

Part 1

Source: the teaching professor paraphrased from john H Williams clarifying grade expectations august \ September 1993 and Paul Solomon and Annette Nellon communicating about the behavioral dimensions of grade, February, 1996

1.     ATTENDANCE:”C” student are often late and miss class frequently. They put other priorities ahead of academic work. In some classes, their health or constant fatigue readers them physically unable to keep up with the demands of high-level performance. They think it is “cool” to be tardy because it makes them think they are big shots. Skipping class is another downfall for the “C” and failing students.


2.     PREPARATION: “C” students may prepare their assignments consistently, but often in a perfunctory manner. Their work may be sloppy or careless. At times, it is incomplete or late. They postpone doing any home assignments in order to text friends, visit friends on Facebook, or send tweets to some of their followers. They take short-sighed because they can’t see the long range destruction of taking shortcuts. It will never pay off. Choose the Right

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

student success statement

Student Success Statement

“When I do good, I feel good.

When I do bad, I feel bad.”

Abraham Lincoln

That if you do something good it will not affect you but when you do something bad then you just not feel good.

A student profiles part2

“A” Student profiles

Part 2

Source: The Teaching Professor. Paraphrased from John H. William, clarifying grade expectation, august/September, 1993 and Paul Solomon and Annette Nellon, Communicating About the Behavioral dimensions of grades, February, 1996.


5. ATTITUDE: “A” students have a winning attitude. They have both the determination and self-discipline necessary for success. They show initiative. They do things they have not been told to do.

6. TALENT:”A” students demonstrate a special talent. It may be exceptional intelligence and insight. It may be unusual creativity, organizational skills, commitment-or a some combination. These gifts are evident to the teacher and usually to the other students as well.

7.EFFORT: “A” students match their effort to demands of an assignment.

8. COMMUICATIONS: “A” students place a high priority on writing and speaking in a manner that conveys clarity and thoughtful organization. Attention is paid to conciseness and completeness.

9. RESULTS: “A” students make high grades on task- usually the highest in the class. Their work is pleasure to grade.